Sunday, June 22, 2008

Madam Prime Minister

Author: Alex
Location: Washington State

"Madam Prime Minister"

Directed by Martin Scorsese
Written by Steven Zallian
Music by John Williams

Principal Cast:

Maggie Smith (Margaret Thatcher)
Christopher Plummer (Sir Dennis Thatcher)
Tommy Lee Jones (Ronald Reagan)
William Hurt (Mikhail Gorbachev)
Bob Hoskins (Boris Yeltsin)
Anthony Hopkins (Edward Heath)
Michael Caine (John Major)
Frank Langella (James Callaghan)
Gary Oldman (George HW Bush)
Sean Connery (Lech Walesa)
Andy Garcia (Javier Perez de Cuellar)
Robert DeNiro (Leopoldo Galtieri)
Ian McKellen (Shimon Peres)
Nadim Sawalha (Yassir Arafat)
Jon Voight (Pope John Paul II)
Gael Garcia Bernal (Fidel Castro)

"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it" - Margaret Thatcher

A new film about Margaret Thatcher’s time as Prime Minister of Great
Britain. Dame Maggie Smith stars in the title role as Thatcher. A view of the 1980s through the eyes of the Prime Minister. It also chronicles meetings with Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, George HW Bush, Lech Walesa, Javier Perez de Cuellar (UN Secretary General), as well as others. Steven Zallian provides the screenplay, John Williams conducts, and Martin Scorsese directs another masterpiece.

What the Press Would Say:

In a film about the brave Maggie Thatcher, Maggie Smith can do nothing but shine. Martin Scorsese directs this beautiful film about one of the most famous women of the 20th Century. With a fabulous supporting cast including Christopher Plummer as her husband, Sir Dennis Thatcher, Tommy Lee Jones as Ronald Reagan, and William Hurt and Bob Hoskins as Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. If that’s not enough add Anthony Hopkins as her former boss, Frank Langella and Michael Caine as her predecessor and successor, Andy Garcia as the UN Secretary General, and Gary Oldman, Sean Connery, Robert DeNiro, Ian McKellen, Nadim Sawalha, Jon Voight, and Gael Garcia Bernal as other influential world leaders. This has Oscar written all over it!

Oscar Nominations:

Best Picture
Best Director: Scorsese
Best Actress: Smith
Best Supporting Actor: Jones
Best Supporting Actor: Hurt
Best Original Screenplay: Zallian
Best Score: Williams

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